Gay nifty archives

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Jan 2022: Michah has donated in honor of author Matt Smith. Jan 2022: Jimmy has donated in honor of author Bennett Writes. Jan 2022: Author DK Daniels has publishedĪs They Say. Feb 2022: Thanks to 'Mike' for more than 25 years of faithful service Jan 2022: Norman has donated in honor of author Nigel Gordon. Mar 2022: Author Zakery Leigh has publishedĪ Moment in Paradise. Apr 2022: Allen has donated in honor of author Gerry. May 2022: Gay Harem Writing Contest winners announced.Ĭongratulations to all! May 2022: Gerald has donated in honor of author Ropingtop May 2022: Tom has donated in honor of author Donny Mumford Apr 2022: Robert has donated in honor of author Gene Hollingsworth. the Nifty Archive always welcomes new authors and new or revised stories.

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